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Obsession with illness isn't healthy

I had never really understood the phrase "enjoying ill health" until the child turned two - and became a raving hypochondriac.Nor had I realised quite how bad things had become until 3 o' clock one...

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Driving me mad

We are in the car, heading north. We have no sooner turned out of our road when the child starts demanding snacks. It is 8 o' clock in the morning. There are still 200 miles to go and I have already...

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My girl's in pain. Keeping calm is not an option

It is a regular Tuesday afternoon and we are rolling up our sleeves to wash our hands before tea (although by "tea" perhaps I should clarify that the repast to which I refer may be better known to you...

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Wake up, it's time to trampoline

It is 6am on a weekend morning. This is an hour I have not cared to acquaint myself with since… well, ever really. And since the child was a new-born, to be fair, I have not really had to. With very...

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Here's a wee problem that's driving me potty

If I have grown 20 years older in the space of the last fortnight then I can attribute it to only one thing: potty training.My desire to outsource this rite of passage was thwarted by the fact my...

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After months of struggle I've given birth… to a book

When I look back over the past three years I see that my life has changed in ways I had hardly dared to hope it would.Yes, yes, I may have walked away from a well-paid and successful career and gained...

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Caught napping by my girl's sleep strike

To sleep perchance to dream… chance would be a fine thing.The infant's midday nap is surely seen by many, if not most parents, as a brief opportunity to regain one's sanity. Perhaps a chance to cram in...

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Let that be a lesson to me

With the child's third birthday fast approaching, it is time to take stock. To look back over the past 12 months and see what I have learned. Namely:1) A season is no longer a season: I'm quite sure...

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So who's the cry baby in our house?

I wouldn't say that I have ever considered myself to be a heartless person. But it would be accurate to admit that in years gone by sentimentality was an alien concept and that even the most mawkish of...

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A wobbly over the wellies

Five things I learned last week:1) Big hair can be a big asset. Number of gifts given to my child by random strangers on the train from Manchester because they liked her locks - four (two packets of...

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